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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

10:47:00 AM EAT


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Winston Churchill commented: "The League did not fail because of its principles or conceptions. It failed because those principles were deserted by those states which brought it into being, because the governments of those states feared to face the facts and act while time remained" External link

swissinfo Thursday, May 11, 2023 3:11:00 PM EAT

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka says: “do what it says on the tin” External link

guardian Thursday, May 11, 2023 2:10:00 PM EAT

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka says: “Humans are so closely related to gorillas and chimps, and we can make each other sick,” “I realised people around the park had very little healthcare – many lived 20 miles from the nearest health centre. Some diseases are preventable with good hygiene, like tuberculosis, scabies … I wanted to set up an NGO that improves the health of the people, because it was difficult to keep gorillas healthy if their human neighbours weren’t healthy and hygienic” External link

guardian Thursday, May 11, 2023 2:10:00 PM EAT

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka says: “The biggest issue is habitat loss, which we need to deal with by promoting family planning around protected areas,” “People were having 10 kids per family on average around Bwindi. By implementing family planning, you reduce poverty and disease. Women have more control over their bodies. And it’s very helpful for wildlife because there’s less need to enter the park to poach. Family planning is an issue all conservation NGOs need to take up” External link

guardian Thursday, May 11, 2023 2:10:00 PM EAT

Alexandra Bilak declarou: "Desde o início do conflito mais recente em abril, nós registramos o mesmo número de deslocamentos que em todo ano de 2022" External link

em Thursday, May 11, 2023 12:53:00 PM EAT

Claudio Descalzi affermato: “Nell’affrontare le sfide del settore energetico che Eni ha di fronte manteniamo salde le nostre priorità con un impegno continuo per favorire l’accesso all’energia, lo sviluppo locale e la tutela dell’ambiente. Il successo della nostra strategia non può prescindere dalla collaborazione con i nostri stakeholder, dai privati, al pubblico, alle organizzazioni internazionali e della società civile, agli istituti di ricerca” External link

firstonline Thursday, May 11, 2023 7:50:00 AM EAT

Claudio Descalzi spiega: “Oggi più che mai è necessario mettere a fattore comune risorse e capitale umano , attraverso una visione ampia, che permetta di allinearsi sugli obiettivi comuni per ridurre i gap esistenti a livello geografico e promuovere il progresso umano globale” External link

firstonline Thursday, May 11, 2023 7:50:00 AM EAT

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