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Saturday, April 27, 2024

12:38:00 AM EAT


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Paul O Sullivan said: “Yet he cannot state the docket number, or who may arrest his new clients. He cannot state who is funding him either, the person who stole the documents, or those caught in possession of them. If that’s not obstructing justice, I don’t know what is,” External link

mg Thursday, May 11, 2023 12:31:00 PM EAT

Azali Assoumani added: "I take responsibility for what is going on in the three islands [Grande-Comore, Moheli, Anjouan] when it comes to juvenile delinquency but not for what is going on in Mayotte," External link

rfi-en Monday, May 8, 2023 6:36:00 PM EAT

Azali Assoumani added: "We want the meetings to be at a broader governmental level, not reduced to an issue between the Intertior ministries only," External link

rfi-en Monday, May 8, 2023 6:36:00 PM EAT

Alan Robson diz: "Ele acabou de chegar, tem um mês nas operações e já fez essa descoberta" External link

uol Monday, May 8, 2023 10:06:00 AM EAT

Leonardo Simao disse: “Mais difícil, penso, vai ser lidar com as questões ligadas à segurança, porque os problemas ligados ao terrorismo, na zona associados ao crime organizado, são uma matéria bastante complexa. E o crime organizado está ligado ao tráfico de recursos, de pessoas, de drogas, de armas. Portanto, é um assunto bastante complexo” External link

voaportugues Saturday, May 6, 2023 10:44:00 PM EAT

Justice Richards added: “Further it should reflect that the ratio of those members present who are entitled to vote vis a vis the number of all members of Parliament entitled to vote. At the end of the day, it desired results that the numbers needed for Parliament to have quorum have been realized and that must be reflected in the Hansard,” External link

independent-UG Saturday, May 6, 2023 1:17:00 PM EAT

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